22 November 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

i know that everyone complains (bitches) about how the christmas season seems to start earlier and earlier each year.  the last of the halloween candy isn't even off the shelves before retailers are putting out the lights, stockings, and tinsel for sale.  i don't know if it's just me, but i seemed to ignore most of it this year.  i knew thanksgiving was quickly approaching, but didn't really think too much about the upcoming holiday season. 

then i started seeing people on facebook talking about trimming their tree and decorating their house for christmas.  i thought to myself, WHAT?!  maybe it was the unseasonably warmer temperatures or that i had barely put out the thanksgiving decorations, but i couldn't believe that people were seriously decorating for the holidays! 

this past weekend was the magnificent mile lights festival, when michigan avenue's lights come to life and the holiday season is kicked off!  i've never attended the festival, (mostly due to the large number of people and the children the parade attracts) but i can't help but enjoying an evening on michigan avenue during the christmas season admiring all the white lights along the street. 

so tonight, as i drove home in the pouring rain and bumper-to-bumper traffic, i decided to make a detour off lake shore drive onto michigan avenue.  it relieved my annoyance as i enjoyed the festive lights shining bright upon the magnificent mile.  ...now, i suppose it's time to get on that christmas shopping! 

photo found here

1 comment:

andrea said...

i can't believe it's already time to start christmas shopping! wasn't it just july?

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