23 November 2010

a meme

i haven't done a meme for a while, so here we go!

1. Lots of pillows or just one? Describe your pre-sleeping rituals.
i prefer only one, thick foam pillow.  sometimes in hotels my only choice is a feather pillow to smother my head in.  in those cases, i put two pillows next to each other, and put a third in the middle of those two.  it's like one and a half pillows and i won't sink to the bed!  when sleeping alone, i have to have something next to me.  typically it's another pillow or my bear, hoosier, when i'm at home. 

2. What kind of books do you read?
i'll read anything that piques my interest, but i'm a really big fan of historical fiction.

3. What are your neighbors like?
i don't know my neighbors.  i met a couple of our neighbors shortly after we moved in, but couldn't tell you their names or the last time we've spoken.  i don't find our neighbor's turtles very intriguing.  

4. What's really creepy to you?
feet.  they're like little fingers.  noises.  particularly those made while eating and breathing. 

5. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
the song "teenage dream" performed on glee two weeks ago.  i honestly have lost count on the number of times i've watched the video. 

6. Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savory?
i'm totally a salty snacker.  i'd prefer munching on some crackers or chips rather than cookies or candy. 

7. What was the last thing you expensive bought?
my iPad.  i had a titch of buyer's remorse afterward, but i do love it. 

8. What is your greatest fear?
myself or a loved one dying. 

9. Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?

sometimes i get cravings for chocolate.  i'm really not a huge chocolate person, but every now and then i get strong cravings for something chocolaty. 

10. What do you do to change your mood?
when my medication doesn't work?!  i think about all the good things in my life, take a short drive alone, or simply take a few deep breaths.  when none of those work, i pour myself a large glass of wine. 

11. What was the last meal you ate that you loved?
a couple months ago, g and i treated ourselves to a very nice meal at keefers with some friends.  it was absolutely delicious and worth the splurge. 

12. Do you want to learn another language? If so, why?
YES.  i want to learn numerous other languages!  i'm really torn between improving the french that i know, the usefulness of spanish, or the german of my homeland.  i've used this site (for free!), but think that i really need to invest in rosetta stone to really become fluent in another language. 

13. What are you looking forward to?
spending thanksgiving with our families.  tomorrow we're headed to cleveland to enjoy thanksgiving with g's family.  on friday we're returning home and hosting thanksgiving for my family at our place.

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