03 December 2010

happy birthday to me?

if you know me at all, i tend to make my birthday a national holiday.  i start a countdown (typically june 5th, my half-birthday) until the big day.  last year was my big 3-0.  i wasn't overly worried or freaked out about turning 30, if anything i was a little excited about entering my 30s.  well, the first of those years has almost come to an end and my birthday is just a mere two days away.  and well, i'm not really that excited about this year's birthday.

yes, birthdays come around each year on the same day, but it seems that this december 5th came out of nowhere and snuck up on my.  it seems that the thanksgiving leftovers are barely gone and here comes the christmas season and my birthday.  this year i'm working on my special day (granted i'll be in boston with g, our friend bryant, andrea, and her sister amity visiting from london).  tonight we're meeting friends out for drinks to celebrate a couple days early.  i'm looking forward to the evening, but i don't really associate it with my birthday festivities.  

maybe i'm just growing up and caring less and less about getting older.  whatever the reason, here it is, like it or not.  


Melissa said...

Happy birthday to you! =)

Stephanie said...

happy birthday!! I totally disapprove of you not being as into birthday as years past!! birthdays are the best! Hope it was very happy!

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