23 December 2010

holiday traditions

each family has their own unique traditions for the holiday season.  when i was young, we had many christmas traditions.  i remember going to grandma hahn's house on christmas eve where numerous members of the extended family would gather.  aside from opening ONE gift on christmas eve, one grandchild (in a very strict rotation) would get to put baby jesus inside the manger scene in the large picture window.  many times we would all go to midnight mass together.  other times i can remember returning home and watching the "rudolph" or "frosty" movie on the small tv in our parents' bedroom.  every christmas morning began by waking up early and waking up mom and dad.  we would sit on the stairs waiting to come down to see what santa had left for us.  after opening our gifts, we'd have toast and hot chocolate for breakfast. 

as the years have gone by, some traditions have stuck while others have outgrown themselves.  there's no argument about who's turn it is to put baby jesus in the manger or late nights watching rudolph or frosty, but each year miranda still insists that we sit on the stairs until it's time to go see the gifts under the tree.  one thing that still never changes is the eagerness to spend time with my family.

since g and i have been together, we have been very fortunate that we have been able to spend almost every christmas together with both of our families.  we spend christmas eve with g's family and christmas day with mine.  it tends to be a lot of driving, but we're happy to be with everyone for the holiday.

for the past couple of years, g and i have talked about how we dread the 6-hour drive to cleveland followed by the 5-hour drive to indiana.  and although we'll probably still continue to make the drives, we decided that it's time that we start some of our own christmas traditions.

each year we decorate our home for christmas shortly after thanksgiving.  we trim the tree with many ornaments from our childhood as well as those we've added together.  we've began to accumulate ornaments from various countries we've visited or things that are meaningful to us.  this year we've decided to add more to our holiday traditions.

tonight we are going to go out to a nice dinner together followed by unwrapping one gift for one another surrounded by the lights from our christmas tree.  i'm very much looking forward to our own little christmas in the home we share together.     ....and i know that g is going to LOVE the gift he'll open tonight!


stephanie said...

LOVE this post and hearing about your family traditions!!! I hope your new traditions with G are just as great!! Merry Christmas! :)

andrea said...

it's nice that you and G are building your own traditions for the holidays. even though the driving isn't fun, you'll enjoy spending time with family. hope you had a good night together at dinner and opening gifts!

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