24 December 2010

my grown-up christmas wish

all i want for christmas is some new front teeth.  isn't that how the song goes?!  well, for me it seems that's how i want it to go.  yes, i have my two front teeth, but i want to work on the others.  when growing up, my family dentist always told my mom that i had a crossbite and an overbite.  she brushed it off visit after visit and said "they're fine!"  and as i grew older, people always commented on how nice, white and straight my teeth were and that i must have worn braces.  after i had assured them that i had not and that it was natural, they always said how jealous they were of my teeth. 

thankfully the 'whiteness' of my teeth is genetic.  and i supposed the straightness, as well.  but, as i've gotten older, i've noticed quite a (literal) shift in my teeth.  when i was in high school and had my wisdom teeth removed, i only had three taken out.  instead of the fourth being removed, they took out a molar that was growing in crooked.  the logic was that the wisdom tooth would take the place of that molar.  and for the time being, it did.  but, as i've aged, the space for that molar has not completely filled in.  if you know anything about dentistry, you'll know that teeth shift you're entire life.  so, my teeth are starting to space themselves apart to fill in the gap.  aside from my "one crooked tooth" that i've complained about for years, i feel like i have the largest canines of anyone i know.

i think that i'm going to take a serious look at my teeth in 2011 and the possibilities of "fixing" them.  i know that any kind of dental work is not cheap, so it could very well be a 'work in progress'.  maybe someday i'll have perfect chompers!

1 comment:

Lucky Chance said...

Really? YOU have the largest canines of ANYONE you know? HMMM!!! I blame our mother. If she had ONLY put braces on my teeth I'd probably be married, traveling the world now! LOL!!! Instead....

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