12 January 2011

wednesday ramblings

i don't have one particular topic to post about, so i thought it would be a great time to list a vast array of randomness.
  • my hoosiers aren't doing so hot in conference play.  that makes me sad.  i'm tired of having "rebuilding years"....it's been 8+ years now.  c'mon already!
  • i got my computer back from repair today.  they had to replace the disk drive and they also gave the casing a makeover.  it feels (and looks) like i have a brand new computer!
  • working six days in a row is tiring.  it also makes me feel disconnected from everyone when i'm working opposite shifts.  at least i'm working with one of my besties to easy the pain. 
  • i'm doing quite well on the WW program so far.  a bout of the stomach flu didn't hurt the initial weight-loss kickoff, either!  
  • lucy had to go to the vet again this morning due to her watery eye.  she has more drops that have to be put in her eye each day to help the conjunctivitis.  
  • my sister and the kids are planning on coming up to chicago on saturday, pending the weather remains okay.  g and i are going to take gretchen out to a nice dinner to celebrate her birthday!
  • i'm so far behind on the tv shows that i watch.  i'm hoping i can catch up this weekend.  
  • g has nasal surgery next week.  i'm glad that i'll be home to take care of him.  
  • i always miss the snow storms by one day.  i was in boston the day before the nor'easter hit!  i would have been okay being trapped there for a day or more! 
  • i'm ready for spring. 


Lucky Chance said...

Cannot wait to see ya'll this weekend! We have a lot to catch up on! :)

teresa-bug said...

I am OVER the snow!

g said...

Here Here!

stephanie said...

Sam went to the vet last week and I'm having to put drops in his ears 2 a day for a week. Oh the joys of administering meds into cats. :) Feel better Lucy and a REALLY BIG "feel better" to G! Hope he's feeling okay!!

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