31 August 2006


i've just spent the past 50 minutes laying in bed, watching each minute pass by. i got up out of bed twice to add things to my to-do list. and now, i'm hoping my eyes get somewhat heavy, but i fear that's impossible with my mind racing as it is!

i'm starting to get those beginning of school year jitters.

every year i wake up with nightmares of classes taking over the room, leaving me completely helpless and unable to control the situation. i have students who, no matter what i try to do, i cannot get them to understand any concept. these horrible dreams start happening with the approaching school year.

every year i'm worried that my classroom will not be ready for the first day of school. i spend many days leading up to our return preparing my room to be in perfect order. my lists of things to-do grow each day and slowly, i check off those boxes!

my room is now done and it's time to focus on that 'teaching' thing. going from 3rd graders ready to move onto 4th to 1st graders just coming from kindergarten, i'm slightly anxious and nervous. i've taught 1st grade before, but that was a completely different environment and type of student. it was also two years ago.

what am i going to do that first day of school? how am i going to successfully complete the first week of school and accomplish the goals i have set in my mind? will the kids start off the school year with excitement and look forward to the year to come?

i'm greatly looking forward to the upcoming school year and am truly excited to work with first grade students. to see their accomplishments and growth through the school year is rewarding and exciting as a teacher. they come in as babies and leave as little people, ready to concur the world....or perhaps just the playground!

wish me luck...and dear lord, someone have that 'first day of school' glass o' wine ready for me!!


g said...

Everything is going to be great for the first day of school. You're very prepared and excited about the year ahead. Relax and enjoy this new grade! Love you!

andrea said...

you will be fabulous! as for that glass of wine, you know i'm always here for that! good luck!!

I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

this year will be great! i have the same nightmares...totally normal. the kids are always excited and i know you will do a fantabulous job! feel free to fly to denver for that glass of wine.

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