i'm a procrastinator. always have been, probably always will be. i used to always say that i work best under pressure. i'm starting to not buy that excuse anymore. now, stress, ulcers, and wine are more common.
we leave for london on thursday. here's my current to-do list:
- write sub plans for friday
- write sub plans for monday
- finish (more like start) progress reports - due thursday
- grade math tests (before progress reports)
- grade reading homework
- get haircut
- pack
revised to do list:
- sub plans friday: movie day
- sub plans monday: heads up seven up
- progress reports: for all - "your child shows a great deal of potential and has made progress throughout the year. please continue to work with your child at home."
- math tests: let them trade papers and grade each other's. who cares if they cheat?
- reading homework: throw it away. they'll never know.
- haircut: gary will do it for you while you sleep
- pack: just buy a new wardrobe in london
done and done. enjoy your wine.
i friggin' love you!!
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