31 July 2008

remember the little things

this morning, while flying from baltimore to providence and then back, we flew right next to new york city. with the clear sky, you could easily see manhattan. we were low enough that you could see the high rise buildings and a clear view of central park. then, as we soared past, there she was...the statue of liberty sitting out in the harbor. it reminded me of how lucky i am to travel around and see these sites. perhaps someday i'll begin to take them for granted, but today it put a smile on my face so early in the morning.

here's an update of states i've visited since i've started flying.

visited 24 states (48%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

note: i've visited many states other than those above, these are only the ones i've encountered while working.


g said...

i'm glad you're enjoying your job!!!

andrea said...

i second g! lucky you!

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