01 August 2008

can i afford it?

i am in love with suze orman. of course, it would be purely platonic. but, i am sitting here glued to the television watching her show, specifically her segment entitled "can i afford it?". suze has callers ask her if they can afford specific things, from $750 pair of shoes to $10,000 central air conditioners, to $120,000 home improvements. then suze calls out the words, "girlfriend, SHOW ME THE MONEY!" the callers then list their expenses (monthly income, mortgage payment and interest rate, amount in savings, and any other debt). they explain why they want/need this item and then suze tells them if they're approved or denied.

i love it! perhaps i need to call suze before i make purchases!


teresa-bug said...

Just call me...I will tell you!

andrea said...

don't call me - you know i can rationalize buying anything!

g said...

we can't afford anything so she'd just laugh you off her show! it would be kinda thrilling though to have suze orman laugh at you.

Anonymous said...

you crack me up! i love her show too & i've thought of you two (and others too, of course) when i watch that segment of the show. of course, i'm fully aware suze wouldn't say i could afford anything.

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