18 August 2008

on the hunt for THE cajun crab dip

while living in charlotte, i became slightly obsessed with the yummy goodness that is cajun crab dip. it was delightful with a wheat thin or pita chip. it was perfect on those warm summer days with a glass of your favorite white. my friend teresa and i could not complete lesson plans without the smooth, spicy treat. so, when i moved away, imagine my dismay when i found that one could not find cajun crab dip (ccd) other than at the harris teeter grocery store back in north carolina.

sadly, i have made it a personal goal to find a comparable seafood treat like the ccd at harris teeter. it was rumored that sam's club carried a version. i tried their kajun krab dip (don't get me started on the k's), but it was too spicy with the wrong consistency.

i found a cajun crab dip at whole foods, but the real, lump crab meat was too chunky and not the right color.

then i discovered a fantastic crab dip in dallas, tx. it was amazingly similar, almost exact, to the ccd at harris teeter. but, alas, it's too difficult to get seeing as my trips to dallas are limited.

now, tonight, i found a jalapeno crab dip in manchester, nh. while the name was different, it looked like the ccd that i loved and enjoyed. so, with a smile on my face (and perhaps an individual 4oz bottle of chardonnay in my basket) i bought a box of wheat thins and carried it to my hotel room, ready to dig in. it's very similar and will do....for now.

thank god i'm visiting charlotte in a week and know (hope) teresa will have my favorite ccd waiting on me!

note: is it sad that i just wrote an entire blog post about cajun crab dip?!


g said...

MAYBE!!! but you love it, so that's all that matters. it is yummy!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I know what it's like to try to find a food similar to one that you love and can no longer get. I must've bought no less than 10 kinds of 'gherkins' and 'pickled cucumbers' here in London, hoping they would be even remotely like the dill pickles I crave. Alas, I never did find a substitute but the American food section of a local department store carries them so I buy a jar whenever I can. Delicious!

I hope you find the cajun crab dip of your dreams. :)

teresa-bug said...

You know it will be waiting for you (in some cute pottery, of course) along with a chilled bottle of wine. I hope it is not too hot to sit out on the porch too. But THANK GOODNESS there will be no lesson planning going on!!!!!

Erin, Jeremy, Emma and Cate said...

God I miss you. I just found your blog again. I can't believe I've missed out for so long. I forgot, but only for a moment, how delightfully whitty you are! Let me know when you are in the area again! BTW, did you read our blog and see that we are moving to NH in 2010? Of course, by then you probably won't be flying there anymore. Anyway, love and miss you Pooks!

Unknown said...

No. What's sad is that you only bought a 4 oz bottle of wine.

What is wrong with you?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! The only time I get the cajun crab dip is when I visit my parents in Charlotte once a year. Its sooooooooo not fair!

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