03 September 2008

a letter

for grandma, and those that knew her:

many knew grandma was a great person, quite social and talkative. those even closer to her knew of her caring personality and great humor. my memories of grandma are countless. from the time i can remember, grandma was always there. she was supportive of everything i did. i can't think of a time that she wasn't there - from my many music contests, to piano recitals, and to high school and college graduations - grandma was always there with that big, supportive smile on her face. i knew that i could always count on my grandma, always waiting with that big hug that she was known for. yes, grandma was a hugger - no matter how long she had known you or who you were, she would greet you with a hug!

there are many memories that i have of grandma, many that others wouldn't fully understand, because they were little jokes that grandma and i had. i used to critique her hair-do's (fluff them if necessary), and each time i saw her, i would ask if she was shrinking more and more. she would always have a quick comeback for me.

but the most important thing about my grandma was her support in any decision i made. i knew that she wouldn't tell me what choice to make. she would say, "well adam, that's just a decision you'll have to make." and no matter what, i knew that she would support me, always without judgement.

i will miss seeing the smile on my grandma's face, the witty comments that came from her mouth, and that tight hug each time she'd say hello or goodbye. but i know that grandma is at peace and i will carry the many memories of her with me for the rest of my life. i love you, grandma.


Erin, Jeremy, Emma and Cate said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I had met your grandmother. She sounds wonderful. I think you share a lot of her great qualities - your warm smile, your wit and your great hugs. Thank you for sharing a little piece of her with us. You're in my thoughts. I love you!

g said...

i'm so proud of you. i know it took a lot for you to get up there and say those words. i know donna was so proud of you. i love you so much.

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