26 May 2009

all in a word?

mar-riage. (noun)
any close or intimate association or union

today, the california state supreme court upheld the ban on gay marriage in the state. while it's hard for a judicial group to overturn the will of the people, california essentially upheld hate. proposition 8 was passed in november when a majority of california's citizens voted to ban gay marriage thus overturning a legislative law establishing same-sex marriage to be legal.

i got a sick feeling in my stomach when i received the breaking news alert. my feelings turned to rage. today, in 2009, i don't understand how citizens of our country are still allowed to publicly denounce human rights. why are some citizens allowed to decide rights for someone else? it makes absolutely no sense to me.

i used to feel that the word marriage was just that - a word. i felt that if the christian conservatives wanted to reserve that word for their man and woman unions, then so be it.

i now feel differently. why can't i use that word? the above definition clearly fits my needs as well as the next person. if you want to hold your bible so close to your heart, then look up the part about loving freely or not judging others.

how is the love my husband and i share any less than that of you and your husband or wife?

i will not back down.


Anonymous said...

Adam...this is one major point that we agree upon...I wish that some day soon you can use the word marriage as it should be...we know how you feel and we support you.


Noble Savage said...

I completely agree (though you already knew that). Thanks for the video, I'm sitting here in tears! One day it will happen, I know. Never give up.

Anonymous said...

can you believe it? our commitment to each other has probably ruined hundreds of heterosexual marriages (can you hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice?) RIDICULOUS!!!!!

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