07 May 2009

lack of creativity...

i haven't posted anything for a long time (even though much has happened since last time i've posted) but i'm not feeling overly creative this morning, so here's this meme i stole from noble savage. i will attempt to post something more exciting in due time.

1. What are your current obsessions?
facebook, big bang theory, my iPhone

2. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
my indiana red hooded sweatshirt, without a doubt

3. Last dream you had?
i don't remember my dreams as much as others, so i can't honestly recall the last dream i had

4. Last thing you bought?
new hair clippers after mine bit the dust (to be exact, they stopped working after i had made one path through my hair, leaving me with one short patch of hair for 18 hours)

5. What are you listening to?
the today show

6. If you were a god/goddess who would you be?
god of sarcasm?

7. Favourite holiday spots?
salzburg (new fav!), st. croix, london

8. Reading right now?
sin in the second city, fun little read about the everleigh sister's infamous club in the levee district of chicago

9. Four words to describe yourself.
sarcastic, honest, observant, friendly

10. Guilty pleasure?
us weekly

11. Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak?
my mom and sister

12. Favourite spring thing to do?
wear a sweatshirt, shorts, and flip flops while sitting outside for lunch

13. When you die, what would you like people to say about you at your funeral?
"hope he had his handbasket picked out" "at least the road was paved for him"

14. Best thing you ate or drank lately?
a margarita on cinco de mayo

15. When did you last go for a night out?
i had many nights out while on the cruise!

16. Favourite ever film?
oohh, that's a hard one...my new favorite is 'sex in the city: the movie', but i've always enjoyed 'newsies'

17. Care to share some wisdom?
everything happens for a reason

18. Song you can’t get out of your head?
lady gaga's 'poker face'

19. Thing you are looking forward to?
going to indiana for my niece's third birthday. i'm excited that my mother-in-law is going to fly in and drive with us. and i'm excited to see my family!

20. Which disease or condition would you most like to see eradicated?
cancer, all types

21. What is your most irrational fear?
stepping wrong, thus twisting my ankle and listening to my foot break.

22. what irritates you on a regular basisi?
people with no common sense

Rules of the game. Respond and rework. Answer questions on your own blog. Replace one question. Add one question. Tag 6 people.

i tag, teresa bug, thoughts and tirades, conversations with self, but that's just me, waiting is my favorite, and the leghorns

1 comment:

NS said...

"hope he had his handbasket picked out" -- i love that

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