16 June 2009

health & fitness fanatics

so i have now been a stewardess for a year (hit my 1 year anniversary this past weekend). one thing i have noticed is the obsession with health food and exercise. on the plane, many flight attendants are stocked with energy and protein bars, the newest diet supplements, gluten-free foods, and constantly discuss their nearest whole foods/trader joes/health food store. once they head towards the hotel, they begin to discuss their workout plan. it may consist of running miles outside, going to the gym for an hour, or doing an extensive workout in their room. pilots...pilots are the worst! they will ALWAYS talk about how long their run was.

i guess i just don't quite understand it.

does it stem from the days of weigh-ins? is it because there's nothing else to do on overnights? or is it truly a desire to be healthy?

i think for some it is just an act. i, for one, am not going to tell you about my hypothetical/planned/fantasy workout. typically, i'm just not going to do it. i don't enjoy working out; therefore, i'm not going to pretend that i'm going to.

i do my best to attempt to eat healthy. i pack lots of fruits and veggies in my food bag and typically eat out of my bag on my overnights (that means i don't go down to the hotel restaurant/bar to eat what they have to offer, yet eat the things i have packed in my food bag).

it's just an observation i have noticed in the past year of flying. obsessive diet foods and prolonged workouts.

i don't buy it from most people. and to those that do, i just don't get it.

enjoy your overnight! relax! watch some tv! get some sleep! enjoy the city you're in!


andrea said...

as one who loathes working out, i'm not sure if people just genuinely love exercising or if you're right - it's a front to make themselves seem healthier and more productive. maybe they think if they talk about their plans for working out or relay how many miles they ran after they're finished, it helps to motivate them to keep doing it? your guess is as good as mine.

teresa-bug said...

I think they do it for attention. I think about those things...but sure don't need to tell everyone about them. (except I think about how much I hate to exercise--certainly not how much I like it) It is almost like they need to be up the earliest, or run the furthest or whatever. Just shut up about it and do it...you don't have to tell us all about it!

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