02 June 2009

tirade tuesday

so the past couple of days i've noticed something quite irritating while driving. wide. open. car. doors. perhaps it's just me, but when i'm getting out of my car, i make sure not to open the door too wide, especially when i'm on a busy or narrow street.

i've had to swerve multiple times recently to jackasses opening their car doors so wide that i'm afraid of taking it right off the hinges. is it really necessary to need all that room? isn't an opening big enough for yourself enough?!

ugh! i sorta feel like hitting it just to prove to them how ridiculous they are. that should teach them, right?!


teresa-bug said...

I LOVE tirade Tuesday!

andrea said...

it's because people don't pay attention to anything but themselves and what they're doing at the moment. i can just see you in a rage one day swerving at an open door and breaking it right off the hinges. hee hee.

g said...

i agree...but you also have a small problem with depth perception my love!

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