13 August 2009

it's the most wonderful time of the year

(it's the most wonderful time of the year...now!)

i can't believe it's already that time of year - back to school. most of my teacher friends are back in the classroom with their new students.

i can say that i don't miss it. this is the 3rd time that i have not entered my classroom to prepare for another school year. while there are *some* aspects of teaching that i miss (the students sometimes, teaching procedures, ...), overall i am happy with my decision to leave teaching.

but with no disrespect to those who are still molding the minds of the future, good luck! enjoy your year! and just remember....only 180 more days until the year is over!

1 comment:

teresa-bug said...

I don't miss ONE THING about teaching. When I hear about teachers having to go back, I get that sick feeling in my stomach. But then I tell myself 'You aren't a teacher anymore!' and it all goes away, with a smile on my face!

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