12 August 2009

settle granny

i was always taught to respect your elders. if an adult asked me to do something, i was expected to do it without any questions. i had nothing but admiration and respect for my grandparents. and to this day, i still go out of my way to assist an older adult.

however, my problem is this...when did their become sense of entitlement among the elderly?! i understand that they have lived a full life, experienced much, and wish to enjoy the final years of their lives, but the attitudes of someone of these older individuals i have encountered lately are astonishing!

recently, i had a "conversation" with an older lady who was waiting for a wheelchair for herself and her husband. sense they were unavailable, i nicely told her to have a seat and i would let her know when they were ready for her. instead, she chose to stand and become disgruntled with me, telling me this "happens all the time." she was convinced that someone had "stolen" her wheelchair. she asked why her name wasn't written down requesting a wheelchair so that it was waiting for her when she arrived. finally i had had it with her arguing with me. i sternly told her to sit down and i would let her know when her wheelchair was available. that wasn't good enough for her, as she walked off still complaining.

i have encountered this numerous other times with other situations. i just don't understand why they feel entitled. i'm all for respecting my elders, but these attitudes are ridiculous.

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