09 August 2009

an update (ie. an easy blog post)

i've been super bad about blogging lately. not that i've ever been a regular poster, but it's so infrequent these days, with no good reason.

here's a quick update...

- started the C25k running program. foot pain started again, podiatrist said i have tendinitis and put me on steroids. along with that plus new running shoes i was fitted for, foot feels much better!

- had a long layover in raleigh and drove down to charlotte to have a yummy dinner with my friend teresa. the food was tasty and the company and conversation was fantastic!

- closing date got pushed back to oct. 1.

- have officially reached the halfway point of my 30 by 30 goal (lose 30lbs by my 30th birthday). 15 more to go....*sigh*

- working my butt of this month. already exhausted and it's only the beginning of the month. i just need to think of how much faster it will make the month go by and the $$ that it will produce!

- purchased new dishes and received new pots/pans (as a wedding gift) for the condo. already have priced other things that we want to get/do in the future. continuing to look over paint samples for the kitchen!

'tis about it, really. i guess i should try to be better about posting...

1 comment:

teresa-bug said...

It was GREAT to see you too! Thanks for making the trip to the Queen City!

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