08 October 2009

my own happy place

i love my kitchen. love it!

when gary and i started shopping for condos, i always stood in the kitchen to see if it felt right. i wanted to make sure that i had adequate counter space to work, plenty of storage for my "stuff", and nice appliances that allowed me to cook.

i'm so happy when we found the place we live because the kitchen felt right to me. it's not part of another room, it wraps around me so i have plenty of room to work, and it has become my favorite room in my new home!

i have already made noodles from scratch, tried new recipes, and cooked for guests. as i sit at the counter while i type this, a pot of potpourri is simmering on the stove (thank you to my friend teresa who sent me all the necessary ingredients to make the wonderful smelling potpourri!).

i'm already looking forward to preparing a big thanksgiving dinner for my family!


teresa-bug said...

Preparing food in a fancy shmancy kitchen is always much more fun {funner}! I hope your CNC is smelling like home!

g said...

i'm glad you enjoy your kitchen. if only we could break you of your habit of cleaning off the counter tops like your mother we'll be all set.

Unknown said...

i enjoy your kitchen as well! or more specifically - the food, drinks and conversation that come out of it. so glad you feel at home in your new home!

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