24 November 2009

christmas comes but three months a year

is it just me or have we blatantly skipped thanksgiving this year? i know that it's become more common to see christmas aisles developing in big box stores as the halloween merchandise disappears, but it's everywhere!

this past weekend, i saw nothing but christmas commercials on tv with their green screen winterscapes in the background. i'm already tired of some major retailers' holiday campaigns. i know that in this economy, many stores are trying to lengthen the holiday season to increase their typically higher forth quarter sales. and sure, many of us like to get our holiday shopping done sooner than later.

but do you know how many houses i have walked by in the past few days that already have their christmas lights hung up outside and even the occasional christmas tree shining through the window?! it's crazy! most people tend to wait until the day after thanksgiving to roll out all their decorations, but not this year! apparently we're already counting down the days until christmas.

and while i think it's a bit crazy, i have been a bit guilty of listening to my favorite christmas music station already! and perhaps a small bit of me is itching to get my tree and decorations up!

photo found here.

1 comment:

g said...

what? no Glee? my crappy day is now complete. good night.

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