25 November 2009


glee is going to be on a LONG hiatus from december 9 until april 13. wtf?! fox is making room for american idol. while i have been known to indulge in the pop reality show that is american idol, i would give it up anyday for glee! ugh! fox is making a HUGE mistake.

what is this adam lambert controversy from the AMAs this past week? so the american idol runner-up performed on the music awards show and took it a bit too far. although i did not see his performance (and it's difficult to find anywhere due to copyrights), i heard that it included a male-on-male kiss and that he simulated oral sex. okay, it was also aired at 11pm. perhaps he took it a bit too far, but ABC canceled his performance on GMA. but, it's okay for women to shake their near-bare asses and kiss other women on awards shows?! (probably because straight men are making these decisions.) i don't think there would be as much controversy if he weren't gay. and as lambert pointed out (in reference to other performers at the AMAs), "Lady Gaga smashing whiskey bottles, Janet Jackson grabbing a male dancer's crotch, Eminem talking about how Slim Shady has 17 rapes under his belt -- there was a lot of very adult material on the AMAs this year, and I know I wasn't the only one." it was crude, sure, but he wasn't the first and he sure won't be the last.

aww, hell! lou dobbs, really?! he's seriously considering running for the u.s. senate in NJ in 2012 as a stepping stone to a possible white house bid?! so that's why he decided to leave CNN to pursue other endeavors? great, this is the man that pushed the whole 'birther' movement.

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