02 November 2009


i've been encouraged to become a part of NaBloPoMo. by joining this, you will see a blog post from me every day during the month of november. i can't promise extreme quality throughout the month, but i will do my best to post something of relevance each day during the month.

i've really enjoyed writing on my blog recently, and this is a great way to encourage me to keep up with regular postings. by being a part of NaBloPoMo, i will post 30 blog entries throughout the 30 days of november.

wish me luck! i'm excited/fearful/anxious/dreadful/eager to join in this group!


Noble Savage said...

Ah, the one year I decide not to do it...I did NaBlo the last two years and it was fun. Looking forward to reading your thoughts every day for the next month!

Unknown said...

should i or should i not?? considering i'm already a day late, that should probably answer my question for me. good luck with the blogging! i'll be checking in!

Lyn said...

The race is on. I look forward to reading all the blogs this month.

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