01 November 2009

november 1

it's already the beginning of november?! really?! where has the time gone? seriously. is it just me or has 2009 seriously flown by? it truly has been a great year thus far and i can't wait to take a look back at the year (in my year-end update!).

it's definitely fall. we turned the clocks back an hour last night. (yay, for an extra hour of sleep. boo, for dusk starting at 4pm in chicago.) the temperature has once again become brisk, requiring sweaters and jackets for travel outside. the leaves have almost all fallen from the trees, their beautiful colors all over the ground. and now that halloween is over, it's time to start planning the thanksgiving menus!

i'm excited to start this month! and wish me luck...i'm going to be a part of NaBloPoMo! ...read more about it tomorrow!

1 comment:

g said...

it's kinda depressing when it gets dark so early. is it spring yet?

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