04 November 2009

the night history was made

it was a year ago that barack obama was elected the 44th president of the united states. i will always be able to say that i was a part of that historic night. i was among the thousands who stood in the middle of chicago to hear president-elect give his acceptance speech. it was a night that truly brought tears to my eyes.

when the final results of the day's votes came in, i was standing on michigan avenue. i was part of a very long line of supporters waiting to get into grant park to hear mr. obama speak. an enormous cheer rang in the street, car horns began to ring, and people were hugging one another. i got goosebumps on my arms (on that unseasonably warm november night) and tears filled my eyes. it was the moment i had been eagerly awaiting for quite some time.

regardless of how you feel, no one can deny that it was truly a historical night.

and in case you forgot the ever-long campaign season of 2008, here is a clip capturing all the highs and lows!

1 comment:

g said...

it'll be something we tell Lilly and Anderson when they're older!

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