annoying and obnoxious. that's the best way to describe a majority of people's facebook status updates. sure i'm on facebook, who isn't these days? and it truly has been a great way to reconnect with people that i'd lost touch with or hadn't seen in many years. but, after a while, i start to wonder why i requested or accepted their friendship request in the first place. it becomes obvious that there's a reason why we lost touch.
recently, i came across an article in GQ about "18 people you're scared of on facebook". it's actually quite humorous. humorous because it's true...and you're "friends" with many of these people. here are a few you may know:
~ the humble self-promoter
~ misery lady
~ the guy whose life is better than yours
~ the new parent
~ the drunk friend
~ the friend who takes EVERY quiz and posts the results
~ quote friend
~ the friend that posts every single detail of their day
~ friend whose life is GREAT!
if this isn't enough, check out more annoying facebookers! but in addition to these funny, yet true, friends are the countless "post this if.." updates that are common. in the past two days, i have seen the following:
WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, JESUS CHRIST and the AMERICAN SOLIDER. One died for your soul and the other died for your freedom. If you agree with this, copy and paste it in your status!
97% of women facebook users won't re-post this: "I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." ~Marilyn Monroe. If you are one of the 3% who will admit to the truth, then re-post this.
If you are a parent with the greatest kid/kids on earth then copy and repost this and let's give our kids the recognition they need!!!! I l Love You! and am very proud of you!
**I love my mom!** For all of you that aren't too proud to say thank you to your moms for helping you be the great person you are today... appreciate every moment, for when she's gone you'll have no regrets. Please copy and paste to your profile! I expect to see this many times on my page!
If you are a wife, that has a wonderful husband, who works so hard and would give anything just to make you happy, then repost this.....because I have the most wonderful husband in the whole world and I ♥ him very much!!!!
and here are my personal facebook status update rants:
1. posting something obscure/disguised so people ask you "what's wrong"
2. politically charged posts
3. prayer requests for friends of friends who you have no idea who they are
4. knowing every detail of your day, including the time you went to bed
5. going against everyone else just to be different
6. countless event requests in cities you are not even near
7. listing your exercise routine - do it instead of posting about it!
8. quotes as posts
9. people who talk about how great their life is, knowing nothing is that perfect
10. nothing but negative posts
have i been guilty of some that which i bitch about? sure. but after feeling my blood pressure rise while writing this, i will now think more about what i am posting. or maybe i should trim the facebook fat?
photo found here.
look who had his tirade tuesday...on wednesday. LOL but i completely agree with you.
and now i'll be de-friending you on facebook. just kidding. it is super annoying, isn't it?
Ha ha!!! FB is nutso, but I love it. Now, I'm totally going back and thinking about my posts.
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