02 March 2010

hot & healthy update #1

okay, so in my first post about hot & healthy, i mentioned my extreme motivation. well...that's slacked off a bit, but i'm still eating very healthy! here's hot & healthy update #1, by the numbers:

number of visits to the local gym: 3
number of times working out of the road: 1
number of home workouts: 1

average number of daily calories consumed: 1800

number of pounds lost: 11.2

yes, it may seem like i'm doing fairly well at reaching my goal weight (according to "lose it" i will reach my goal weight by july 4, 2010), i still have a long way to go. i need to start working out regularly, cutback on the cocktails, and find that motivation that i started with.

like i said initially, i know that things aren't going to change overnight, so i still feel like i'm on the right path.

1 comment:

g said...

you can do it!

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