22 July 2010

protect our LEGAL citizens

the following letter appeared in editorial section of USA Today on wednesday, july 21, 2010. it's something that i had not thought about previously, but this warrants a lot of thought about our national priorities.

who's more important?
the debate on same-sex marriage is nothing new. some states have legalized it, and others made it illegal. however, the federal government is not taking the steps to stop the limitation of the rights of same-sex couples.
instead, the justice department has filed a lawsuit against arizona over its immigration law. it is stepping in essentially to aid and protect people who aren't legal citizens of the u.s. while the rights of legal tax-paying citizens are being restricted.
it's a pity when the government files suit against a state protecting itself from outsiders but won't fight states that are restricting the rights of legal citizens who are gay. the government is close to setting a very unfortunate precedent. we should be protecting the rights of those who are legal and begging for equality, rather than fight a state trying to deal with a decades-old problem.
jordan kuhns
winterset, iowa


andrea said...

interesting take on things. our government is so backward and hypocritical.

g said...


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