09 November 2010

embargo lifted

for the past three and a half months i have forgone spending my money at any target store.  in july, the target corporation donated $150,000 to minnesota forward,  an umbrella organization supporting corporations.  sadly, one of the candidates that the organization backed was republican governor candidate tom emmer.  mr. emmer is an extremely anti-gay supporter, calling for a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage or its legal equivalent.  only months later did target corporation issue an apology of the donation, yet did not feel itself justified to donate to any LGBT-friendly candidates. 

although i disagree with target's (or any corporation's) large donation backing political candidates, there is thankfully a law requiring the disclosure of such donations.  it's a double-edge sword for the corporations that choose to make these donations; they may be helping pro-business candidates, but the candidates views can backfire on the corporation making the donation, like it did for target. 

while target made a major political mistake, target has long been a company providing excellent working conditions and benefits to LGBT employees.  for that, they should be commended. 

thankfully the 2010 election season has come to an end and the political attack commercials have ended.  the race for minnesota governor is too close to call and is undergoing a state-required recount of its results.  DFL party candidate mark dayton has a slight lead over republican-backed tom emmer. 

while i read up on companies that have the backing of the HRC each year, it is nearly impossible to avoid all businesses that support individuals or causes that i disagree with.  that being said, i have lifted my ban of shopping at target. 

yesterday was my first time back inside a target store in over three months.  not only did i go back to target after a long hiatus, but i was able to visit our near-neighborhood's newest target store which opened in late-july.  it is a very nice store with a full grocery section.  i will fully admit that it was nice to be back shopping at target, even if there was a tiny smidgen of guilt. 


g said...


teresa-bug said...

Oddly enough...I don't frequent Tarjay like others do.

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