13 November 2010

a litter of kitties in kitty litter

what do you call a group of kittens born from one momma kitty?    a litter of kitties.
what do you call the sand/clay substance in the box where kittens go potty and poop?   kitty litter. 

does this use of the word "litter" bother anyone else?  or have you never really stopped to consider it?  well, i find it odd how the word litter (as in a number of young brought forth from one birth) is then used for the material used for animals to relieve themselves indoors.  but i digress....

g and i are once again ready to adopt.  we have missed having someone greet us at the door.  we miss cuddling on the couch or in bed with the faint purring motor of a cute, soft fur ball.  and we really miss our little emerson.  we have decided that this time around we would like to adopt two kittens, either siblings or best buddies.  (i hope to have a "new kitties" post sometime this month!)

and while we won't be adopting an entire litter of kittens, we will have to tackle the kitty litter issue.  when we adopted emerson, i posted our solution to the litter issue.  it was seriously the PERFECT solution for us.  unfortunately, we were advised to get rid of everything that emerson had come in contact with due to the high contagiousness of the FIP.  so now we're faced with finding something very similar to what we had before.  sadly, i cannot find it at target any longer.  i have started looking at various sites to find something similar, or something that would work.

if we put the litter box in the same place in our condo, it must be covered to disguise the smell and appearance of a litter box in the living room.  we want it to look like it's part of the room, not a hidden litter box.  we also must consider that there will be multiple cats using the same litter box, so size is important.   

i'm asking you for your suggestions.  where can we go to find something similar?  is there another idea that could solve our litter issues?   


andrea said...

leave it to you to think of the different uses of the word litter. lol. ask ann where she got her kitty box/faux chest or maybe check overstock.com? i'm so excited that you guys are getting 2 cats!

g said...

always arguing things...

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