03 November 2010

never have i

so yesterday, headline news announced that the McRib is back for a limited time at mcdonald's nationwide.  i have never in my life had a mcrib sandwich.  not really sure that it even appeals to me, but apparently this is HUGE for lovers of the pork and bbq sandwich.

along those lines, i have never in my life eaten ribs in general.  nope, never.  i even worked at chili's for most of my college years (ya know, "i want my baby back baby back...chili's!") and never had a slab of ribs.  it's not that i dislike pork, it's just that i've never bothered to order them at a restaurant.  and then when i begin to think about it, i'm not sure how i feel about gnawing at a bone for some meat slathered in bbq sauce, sticky fingers, and a face requiring wet naps.   

i've lived nearly 31 years without eating ribs (or the mcrib sandwich) and people find it extremely odd.  eh, i've managed fine so far.  but tell me, are they really that good?!


teresa-bug said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! How did I not know this about you??? Good ribs are that good. You so need to have my moms!!! {and a McRib is not considered 'good ribs'}

andrea said...

apparently my dad makes some killer ribs so tender they fall off the bone. i don't eat pork so i have to take everyone else's word for it, but next time you're down in the hood we can request jim's ribs (not to be confused with the mcrib. gross)

stephanie said...

I just got done blogging about eating a mcrib this weekend...they're SOOOOOO GOOD but not really ribs or probably even meat for that matter, so you could probably try one! :)

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