05 November 2010

we're all for you!

fall is definitely my favorite season.  i love the crispness in the air and the autumn colors from the changing trees .  i enjoy wearing a light jacket or my favorite hooded sweatshirt.  this time of year always takes me back to my college days.  the memories are vivid and comforting.....  

i think of every home football game, marching in the band or tailgating near the stadium.  i can hear dave matthews band playing in the car as i drove around the southern indiana hills with the deep autumn colors.  i remember the feeling of acceptance and the relationship and kiss that went along with it.  unforgettably, i remember happiness surrounded by amazing friends. 

i'm looking forward to surrounding myself in those autumn memories this weekend as we make our way down to bloomington to spend time with friends and enjoy some Hoosier fun.  undoubtedly, the weekend will consist of old stories, laughing, drinking, IU football, and more autumn memories.

photo found here

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