14 April 2011

bad vs. worse?

i ran across this article regarding one chicago public school principal's decision to ban students from bringing their own lunches from home.  she said she made the decision after she saw students bringing soda and chips as their lunch.  so she intervened and requires all students to eat the food that the school cafeteria provides, citing it as a healthier option.  as can be expected, there are a group of parents that disagree with her decision and those that support it.

the end of the article polls readers on the following question:
 should schools be allowed to ban home-packed lunches?

Yes. If students are making unhealthy choices, schools should step in.
No. Parents should be able to make decisions about their child's nutrition. 

i sat there for a moment and pondered the question.  i honestly don't know where i stand on the issue.  

as a former teacher in chicago public schools, i can remember students (1-3 grades) bringing highly processed foods, chips, candy, soda, etc. as their lunch.  but, i also saw students who brought sandwiches, vegetables, and fruit from home as part of a well-balanced lunch.  so is the lunch the school cafeteria provides a more suitable option?  to the chips, candy, and soda, yes.  to the student who brought a well-balanced lunch from home, maybe not.  i have seen the lunch options in schools and they're not all that healthy.  they tend to be extremely high in carbs and processed foods.  and while fruits, vegetables, and milk are provided, it may not be the better alternative to a parent who wants to provide their child with a healthy lunch from home.  

so where do you stand on the school lunch issue?  

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