14 September 2011

hey there wednesday

with lack of an internet connection on monday and a long day yesterday, i've failed to post anything this week. so today is just a bunch of randomness to get caught back up.

  • g and i both registered online for a beginning spanish course from instituto cervantes of chicago.  hopefully it will provide us with some basic communication skills to use when we go back to spain next spring. 
  • working 6 days in a row is killer.  my only relief has been lighter passenger loads.
  • i'm really enjoying the cooler temperatures.  it's really making me want to get out the autumn decorations, but i'm maintaining some restraint. 
  • we're finally getting grown-up living room furniture.  after the debacle we had two years ago, we settled on a sectional sofa from ikea.  it's served it's purpose, but now it's time to get the pieces we truly want.  hopefully we'll have the sofa and chair by the end of the month! 
  • in addition to the living room furniture, we purchased new bedroom pieces!  we now have closet doors and we won't have to have our dresser in our closet!  we also finally painted the bedroom - i love the color!  (see link for color)
  • we set up the dvr for fall tv yesterday...geesh!  watching all that tv is going to be a chore! 
  • i could really use a spa day.  i'd like a massage, a mani/pedi, and my eyebrows waxed.  why must it be expensive?!
  • i'm really looking forward to going to indiana next week.  we get to spend time with the kids and the rest of my family, meet my sister's boyfriend, and go to the apple orchard!  


Lucky Chance said...

So excited to spend an evening with you both! It's been too long!! xoxoxoxo! Thanks again for helping with the babies! They're gonna have so much fun! Lilly said "Uncle Gary said we're going to go to Chick-fil-a for breakfast and lunch and dinner!" So silly that Lilly!

stephanie said...

Oh my gosh...do you remember I went through the same thing with my first couch when I lived on Southport? (It wouldn't fit up the stairs and I felt like crying. Actually I am pretty sure I did cry. I never got to have a couch while there) Anyway...loved this post. :) So glad you're getting the couch you love! I cannot wait until we move and get to buy our first couch! Have fun in Indiana!

teresa-bug said...

When Katie moved into her apartment, her movers couldn't get her CRATE AND BARREL couch in her apt. She had to give it to them and then buy a new, smaller, one. It must be a Chicago thing.

jeff said...

can't wait to meet you, too!

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