16 September 2011

meow, with a side of 'tude

ali and lucy relaxing together
we have extremely moody cats.  when we adopted ali and lucy last november, we learned that we had two very different kittens that would both take time to adjust to their new home.  lucy seemed to get comfortable somewhat quickly.  she pretty much took over the place and explored, laid around, and ran throughout the entire place.  ali, on the other hand, was extremely timid and actually hid from us for her first few days with us.

we knew that ali wasn't going to jump in our laps, enjoy being picked up (AT.ALL.) or snuggle up to us anytime soon.  she did enjoy having her belly rubbed, as long as you were at eye level with her.  lucy quickly became the lover.  she would hop on the couch with us, lay in our laps, and cuddled in bed with us every night.

ali begging me to stay home
in april, as we celebrated ali's first birthday, i wrote about how ali was warming up to us.  she was now sleeping with us, would occasionally jump up on the couch with us and would lick us nearly every morning.

as we celebrated lucy's first birthday in july, i talked about her attitude and how she wasn't quite the affectionate cat that she once was.  she refused to be picked up and would run away if you leaned down to pet her.

"you can't see me!"
g was becoming quite agitated with lucy.  "why do we have cats that hate us?" he would often yell in frustration?  i knew that cats were moody, but i couldn't quite explain the change.

well last week when g corralled ali (literally) to take her to the vet, he asked the doctor about their behaviors and why lucy might be acting the way she does.  the vet asked when lucy's behavior changed.  he said that it was about the time that ali started becoming more affectionate.  we had been so happy about ali's change in affection from day one that we were almost enamored with her new lovingness.  obviously someone else noticed this and was not one bit too happy about it.  pissed, some might say.

morning cuddle time
to win her back, the doctor suggested a few things we could do with lucy.  we now make sure that we devote some one-on-one play time with her each day.  (i also suggested that g talk to her nicely and not show his frustration)  let me say that things changed almost overnight.  the past few evenings, lucy has jumped on my lap as we watched tv together and has curled up in bed with me (ali, too!) while g was at work.

 these girls are exhausting!  i can only imagine what it's like to balance two human beings!  but we love them all the same.

1 comment:

Lucky Chance said...

I wonder if this works for small children. If I had a dime for everyime I heard "..but you're so mean to me and you're always nice to _____" from either of my kids this weekend, I'd be rich!!!

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