17 November 2010

new kitties! ali edition


g and i adopted two adorable kittens yesterday from tree house humane society; lucy, a 4-month old calico and ali, a 7-month old grey tabby.  the girls were friends in the same kitten room.  g was drawn to ali's photo before we even saw her.  when we encountered her in the room she always came nearby, but would run away when we would attempt to pet or hold her.  we quickly learned of her timidness.

when i saw ali's face, i saw the loving eyes in my little emerson, in her.  because we were both drawn to her, we knew that we had to adpot ali. 

 as we drove the kittens home, ali was silent.  we didn't hear one sound from her.  (or maybe that's because we couldn't hear her over lucy who was extremely noisy!)  when we opened the box to let her out, she immediately went into the corner and attempted to hide under the dishwasher.  she walked around briefly, only to find another corner to hide in.  poor little thing was scared!

later in the evening, she let us hold her on the couch.  when she had had enough of that, she rested for a few hours on the couch.  lucy even came up to lay with her!

during the night, i woke up to check on the girls.  lucy was easy to find due to her extremely noisy meowing, but i was unable to find ali anywhere.  i checked all the corners, looked under the sofa, looked on counters and cupboards, but she was nowhere to be found.  g and i finally found her....up inside the couch.  it took me a while to fall back to sleep because i was worried about her and starting to wonder if we made some sort of mistake.

this morning, i checked on ali and noticed that she crawled out from inside the couch and is now just hiding under the couch.  i've talked to her, trying to make her feel more comfortable.  i was given good, calming advice to let her be and that it may take a few days until she is starting to feel more relaxed and comfortable in her new home.

ali is an adorable kitten and i just want her to love her new home and feel comfortable here.  here's hoping for a nice transition over the next couple of days!

tomorrow's post: lucy edition


g said...

she just needs time :) welcome to your new home ladies!

teresa-bug said...

Sweet little girl...she will love her new Daddies soon!!!

andrea said...

she'll get used to things! in the meantime it seems like little lucy is taking good care of her big sister.

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