30 October 2009

happy birthday, dad!

yesterday was the day that most celebrated my dad's birthday. while he was grateful for all the birthday wishes, i know that he is celebrating today's "birthday" much more. today is my dad's "17th birthday". a celebration of the day that he became sober.

i want my dad to know that i am very happy for his accomplishments and years of sobriety. while i wish that it would have happened years before, i am grateful that he eventually made the decision that would positively affect the rest of his life.

my dad and i both know that there were many strained years between us. while i wasn't able to go to his ten year anniversary lead (a speech that he gave at his local AA meeting), i sent a letter to be read letting him know how proud i was of him. i am equally as proud of him today.

in a couple short months, dad will have completed all the requirements needed for his bachelor's degree. he has decided to go straight into his master's program. in the meantime, he is teaching and counseling teens with various issues. i'm sure that his frankness and "tough love" is appreciated by his students....if not, they're sure to learn!

although my dad and i don't talk to one another on a regular basis (with the exception of facebook!) i hope that he knows how proud i am of his accomplishments. and if he doesn't already know, i am sure that he will read this post.

congratulations dad! and happy 17th birthday!


g said...

congratulations and happy belated birthday Rick.

Unknown said...

i second gary. congrats and best belated bday wishes!!

Anonymous said...

a little late reading your blog...and it was hard to read with tears running down my face...Thank you Adam, I love you


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