09 July 2010


just a bit bigger than a quarter, the nike+ sensor fits snugly in the laces of my sneakers. after making a connection to an application in my iPhone, i start my workout.

with the small sensor in my shoe, i am given the following information:
my workout time
my distance
my pace
my calories burned

whether i'm jogging on the treadmill, sweating on the elliptical, or even just walking around my neighborhood, i'm given any information i want to know!

if you do not have an iPhone, you can purchase an adapter for your iPod nano that will do the same thing! sync it to your computer and connect it to the nike+ running site where you can view all your workouts and compare results with other runners!

technology is amazing!

1 comment:

andrea said...

you've inspired me. i think i'm going to have to get one!

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